Advanced Engineering Solutions [AES] in association with M/s Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Co. (T). Ltd [Tanzania] altogether in JV with M/s Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats Pvt. Ltd [India] has signed a Contract with Tanzania National Roads Agency [TANROADS] to provide Consultancy services for Economic Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and Preparation of Bidding Documents for the Rehabilitation of Singida – Shelui Road Section [110 km] to Bitumen Standard.
The signing ceremony was held at TANROADS’ Head Quarters situated at 10 Shaaban Robert Road/Garden Avenue Junction, Dar es Salaam by TANROADS ’s Chief Executive: Mr Rogatus H. Mativila and ICT’s Chief Operating Officer; Eng. Jason Rwiza and witnessed by TANROADS ’s Legal Counsel; Mr Justinian Byabato and AES’s Legal and Human Resources Manager; Mis. Queen Mtove.
Advanced Engineering Solutions [AES] is optimistic and yet enthusiastic that with its adept experience and stalwart personnel, effective advanced engineering solutions to the challenges attributed by the existing and prevailing conditions Enroute Singida – Shelui Road Section will unequivocally be realized