It was with great honour and privilege that on 21st December 2021, Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd and the Régional Manager’s Office -TARURA Tabora Region entered into a Contract of providing the Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Design, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment of one Bridge, Pedestrian Bridge and Its Approach Road 13 km of Loya River at Tabora District Council as part of Government of the United Republic of Tanzania initiatives of spearheading effective linking of Mabeshi, Loya and Miswaki Villages of which for a significant period have been subdued with the dead-endings of the only best route connecting the two villages at the specified bridge location.
The signing ceremony was held at the office of the Régional Manager -TARURA Tabora Region situated at Kipalapala, Tabora urban witnessed by the Regional Manager; Mr Edward Lemelo and Legal Officer for the office of the Regional Manager; Mr Rustick Y. Mtama all as Client’s Representatives as well as AES’s Director of Operations; Mr Onesmo Jonathan Mgoha and Godfrey Katimba altogether as the Consultant’s Representatives.
With such Government of the United Republic of Tanzania intentions in parallel with AES’s core precept of being a part of creating as well realization of advanced engineering solutions to the socio-economic challenges, AES is full of energy as well as high spirit and geared to be a pivotal part of at last knotting Mabeshi, Loya and Miswaki Villages in the most effective and advanced means.