Assignment name:
Consultancy Services for Supervision of Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Kigoma and Tabora Airports
Location within the Country:
Kigoma and Tabora, Tanzania
Name of the Client: Tanzania Airports Authority
Tanzania Airports Authority
P.O Box 18000 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Start date
[Month/year]: Sept/2017
Completion Date: Ongoing
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The main objective of the project is to carry out Supervision of proposed rehabilitation and upgrading works at Kigoma and Tabora Airports. The assignment includes supervision of the works to final completion including the defects liability period.
Detailed Description of Actual Services provided by your staff:
Advanced Engineering Solution is in charge of:
- Provide continual contract supervision services up to the completion dates.
- Quality Control
- Check and approve the contractors setting out of the works
- Measure or verify quantities of completed work and prepare monthly interim payment valuations, based on provisional quantities for progress payment approval by TAA.
- Provide continuous liaison with TAA or its appointed representative
- Documentation of site reports/activities
- Record all claims and submit timely recommendations thereon for consideration by TAA
- Management of ESMP in coordination with NEMC and all relevant parties
- Ensure regular and effective reporting and information sharing with TAA
- Check and compile as built drawings prepared by the Contractor
Preparation of supervision reports