Location within the Country: Singida, Tanzania.
Name of the Client: TANROADS – SINGIDA
Start date: 27 October 2021
Completion Date: Ongoing
Duration of Assignment: 12 Months
Name of Associated Consultant: M/s Howard Consulting Limited

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:

The Mkalama – Iguguno Road Section (89.0 Km) starts at Chemchemi Village in the Mkalama area along Serengeti Southern Bypass (currently design ongoing) towards Mkalama centre and passes through various Villages including Ibaga, Mkalama, Igonia, Ikungu, Gumanga, Nduguti
township, Mazinga, Ishenga, Kinyangiri and ends at Iguguno centre where it joins with Singida – Nzega road (T003). The last 2.5 km at Iguguno is a paved section with a DSD surface constructed as a spur road connecting T003 and Iguguno centre. Bypass to Singida–Shelui Trunk Road in Singida Region. All road section is in the Singida region. The road crossed several major bridges most of them experienced overtopping.

The subject project road section passes through areas with potential assorted economic opportunities such as agriculture, livestock and minerals (Gold) at Igonia Village. Further, the road traverses through the area with lots of social activities such as; schools, historical buildings
(Ancient/Antique Monument which might be under National/World heritage), hotels and small shops. At Mkalama village the road passes at the important German historical buildings (Mkalama Ruins) between the two buildings which were used as guard posts during German. However, these economic potentials are not fully exploited due to the lack of reliable road transport infrastructure. At the major village centres of Ibaga, Mkalama, Gumanga and Nduguti where the construction corridor is constrained, a bypass may need to be considered

Services Provided by Advanced Engineering Solutions:
1 Preparation of inception report
2 Study including preliminary design, economic analysis and cost estimates;
3 Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Development of Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and survey of properties to be affected;
4 Detailed engineering design and cost estimates;
5 Detailed ESIA and RAP;
6 Preparation of Tender Documents.