LOCATION: Dodoma, Tanzania
Name of the Client: TANROADS, Dodoma
Start Date: August,2021
Completion Date: Ongoing
Duration of Assigment:6 Months
Name of Associated Consultant-N/A
Detailed Narrative Description of Project: The key objectives of this assignment are to carry out Consultancy Services for Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for Construction of Kelema Maziwani Bridge and its approach roads (1.5 km) along Kondoa – Bicha – Dalai Regional Road (R462) to gravel standard
Services provided by Advanced Engineering Solution:
1 Preparation of Inception Report
2 Study, Including preliminary design, economic analysis and cost estimates
3 Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Development of Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and survey of properties to be affected
4 Detailed Engineering design and cost estimates
5 Detailed ESIA, Valuation and RAP report
6 Preparation of Tender Documents