Location within the Country: Shinyanga
Name of the Client: Shinyanga Water and Sanitation Authority
Shinyanga Water and Sanitation Authority
Start date: 10 Feb 2020
Completion Date: 10/10/2020
Duration of Assignment: 9 Months
Name of Associated Consultant: N/A
Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The main objective of the consultancy services was to carry out Feasibility, Environmental and Social Study of Shinyanga Water and Sanitation Project
Services Provided by Advanced Engineering Solutions:
2.Preparation of inception report
3. Feasibility Study including preliminary design4.Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), Development of Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and survey of properties to be affected;
4.Detailed engineering design and cost estimates;
5. Detailed ESIA and RAP;
6.Preparation of Tender Documents