Location within the Country: Along Dar-es-salaam Corridor (Coastal region, Dar-es-salaam, Morogoro, Mbeya)
Name of the Client: TANROADS – HQ
Start date: Nov. 2015
Completion Date: ongoing
Duration of Assignment: 35 Months
Name of Associated Consultant: LEA Associates (Lead Consultant)

Detailed Narrative Description of Project:
The objective of the project is to carryout Detailed Design and Preparation of Tender Documents for the accident “black spots” priority interventions measures and Supervision of its implementation along the Dar es Salaam Corridor. Sections covered includes: Dar es Salaam – Kidika (400 km); Igawa – Mbeya (117 km); Mbeya – Tunduma (103 km) and Mbeya – Kasumulu (117 km). The work involves design of 36 Nos accident “black spots” identified in the initial Road safety assessment.

Services Provided by Advanced Engineering Solutions:
1.Preparation of inception report
2.Materials investigation and preparation of materials report
3.Traffic count and traffic analysis
4.Pavement design
5.Detailed engineering Design
6.Construction supervision
7.Preparation of Detailed Engineering design report
8.Preparation of bill of quantity
9.Preparation of contract documents