Geotechnical And Materials Investigation

Geotechnical And Materials Investigation
The geotechnical investigation is among the initial important stages in the new development process and can be critical in planning property improvements or completing detailed Property condition surveys and investigations. ADVANCED ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS (AES) offers geotechnical investigations, and consulting services and coordinate the undertaking of geotechnical investigations during any project implementation phase. With a network of highly qualified engineers, AES delivers targeted, cost-effective geotechnical solutions to our clients around the country.

AES provides a comprehensive and versatile range of ground & site investigation techniques from simple trial pitting to more sophisticated drilling and in-situ testing methods. We own and operate an extensive fleet of drilling and in-situ field testing equipment, including conventional, low disturbance and restricted access plant. The almost exclusive use of our own plant, equipment and skilled personnel allows us to design, effectively manage and tailor each project to our client’s needs, and react rapidly to any unpredictable ground conditions. This flexibility helps us to ensure that any risks are managed promptly and are thus minimised. Field investigation services includes but not limited to;
- Dry drilling
- Drilling using water and mud circulation with NQ roads (wire line) and HQ
- Performing Standard Penetration Tests (SPT)
- Performing Dynamic Probe Super Heavy (DPSH)
- Sampling undisturbed samples and block sampling.
- Water level monitoring
- Drilling rigs
- Marine and overwater services
- Instrumentation and monitoring
- Plate bearing testing
Site investigation can be regarded as an essential part of the preliminary and detailed Engineering design of any construction project which determines and defines the geological, engineering (soil and rock mechanics), hydrological (groundwater) and environmental (contamination) characteristics of the ground. It is fundamental to safe, efficient and economic development. We ensure that the ground investigation is designed and implemented correctly to meet the project requirements and within the projected budget. Where necessary, our multi-disciplined teams are able to integrate the scope of works to cover both geotechnical and environmental concerns in order to provide a technically robust and cost-effective site investigation solution.
In addition to our Geotechnical Consulting Services, we offer a Ground and site Investigation Contracting Service, providing specialist investigation plant with experienced operators to work under direct supervision of your Engineer(s).
Our laboratory is an integral part of the geotechnical investigation and consultancy services that we offer at AES. Through our in-house laboratory testing and specialist sub contract laboratories we are able to provide a fast and reliable, complete range of laboratory testing and reporting services. Our in-house laboratory is fully furnished to provide full geotechnical soils and rocks, aggregates and earthworks, materials and concrete laboratory testing services which meet the national and widely applicable international standards.