Assignment name:

Consultancy services for Supervision of construction of Passengers terminal III complex and associated Works & facilities at Julius Nyerere International Airport

Location within the Country: Airports

Dar Es Salaam region

Name of the Client: Tanzania Airport Authority [TAA]

Address: P.O Box 18000 Dar Es Salaam

Start date

[Month/year]: 07/13

Completion Date: May 2020

Narrative Description of Project: the project involves the construction of passenger terminal III, the construction of a taxiway and a new apron.

Description of Actual Services provided by your staff:


Advanced Engineering Solution is in charge of:Airport

  • Preparation and approval of Quality control and quality assurance plan
  • Design review of taxiway pavement, apron, terminal building
  • Supervision of construction of drainage structures
  • Review of pavement design
  • Mix design of stabilized material and cement concrete
  • Approval of all construction materials such as subgrade [G7 and G15], stabilized subbase [C1], crushed base [CRR] and Marshal asphalt concrete.
  • Preparation of monthly report
  • Reviewing and approving the Contractor’s quality assurance plan

Implementation of contractor’s environmental management plan